Why AI is just a tool and not a replacement for human intelligence?
Since the industrial revolution, humans have realized the value of delegating their rote, repetitive, and physical labour to machines. As machines evolved, they are now capable enough to replicate complex cognitive functions of the human mind. So much so that in the 21st century, we ponder whether robots will replace human beings in the workforce one day.
Global businesses continue to find new ways to leverage data to create better value. And AI experts believe that using artificial intelligence at a larger scale can add as much as $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. And that seems to be enough motivation to outsource human intelligence to technology. But the truth is – AI and humans are not competitors but collaborators.
Artificial Intelligence & Human Intelligence
In 1997, when IBM’s Deep Blue became the first computer to defeat a world champion at chess – the possibility of smart machines replacing human beings changed into reality. But after his defeat, Grandmaster Garry Kasparov began experimenting with AI to understand how it could offer chess players a competitive advantage in high-level chess games.
Kasparov came up with valuable insight from his research. He discovered that arming your best players with the best AI program does not guarantee success. Rather, the process and coordination between AI and human intelligence guaranteed success. Simply put –
(Low human intelligence + AI + Better process)
always wins against
(High human intelligence + AI + Inferior process)
As corporate leaders scramble to incorporate AI into their organizations, the winners of the AI game will be those who work at perfecting the process. And those who find the best ways for human beings to use AI to create better value.
Abilities Unique to Human Intelligence
Computers are deemed ‘smart’ today because they have the potential to learn, remember, and make decisions based on the information they have. And while this ability is helpful, human intelligence is far more extensive.
AI imitates how human beings act, feel, speak, and decide. Artificial intelligence can identify informational patterns to find the correct trends and predict the outcome based on those trends. Lower-level, routine tasks with little influence by external business forces can be efficiently managed with AI.
Human intelligence is indispensable in open systems where dynamic external factors influence work. Unlike AI, humans can imagine, anticipate, feel, and judge changing situations. Open plans call for the ability to work with sudden changes and distorted information exchanges, applying creativity to frame a vision for the future and create a business strategy.
AI and human beings bring their abilities and strengths to the table. A combination of the two kinds of intelligence, working in tandem with each other, will define the future of work.
Artificial Intelligence & Human Beings: A Partnership for the Future
At Content Owl, we believe in leveraging the best technology to offer our clients the best value. We envision an enhanced and collaborative use of AI to create new services, better solutions, and greater productivity.
As with any evolution, the early effects are disruptive. But in the end, the automation of cognitively routine work is a blessing and not a threat. The need of the hour is to remain interested in integrating AI into business and creating new effective, efficient, and beneficial processes for all.
Grandmaster Garry Kasparov played his first tournament of ‘advanced chess’ with the aid of a computer in 1998. He realized he could focus on strategy much more while delegating the calculations to his computer. His opponent, a Bulgarian named Veselin Topalov, had just lost to Kasparov in a traditional chess tournament. But the players ended up in a 3-3 draw when aided by a computer. The match was a classic example of how AI and humans complement each other. And the power of AI comes from how well the person and the machine work together.
AI is here to augment all we do. It represents an advanced facet of technology in service to human beings. Human intelligence, creativity, insight, and contextual awareness are key to making AI work better. And that’s why we see progressive businesses using AI to enhance their organizational agility, productivity, and customer experiences. Businesses that realize that AI is here to complement, and not replicate human beings are ahead of the curve. We are excited to see how AI empowers us to improve humanity and well-being while enhancing business efficiency.