Important Tips To Generate Business From LinkedIn
1. Focus on Highly Targeted Customers and Connections
LinkedIn holds the scope for niche, advanced and focused targeting through digital advertising. Where a business can select the exact industry, company profile and job role of people who would be typically interested in their products or services. For example, if you are selling cloud hosting services to another tech business in India, you can set your advertising campaigns to only be showing to businesses that need hosting space, based in India – and within that grouping, only to executives at those companies with a tech-support profile.
“Whether B2B or B2C, I believe passionately that good marketing essentials are the same. We all are emotional beings looking for relevance, context and connection.”
— Beth Comstock
2. Grow your circle through mailer marketing
It is highly recommended that a company sends a customised letter to each connection saying thank you for being connected on LinkedIn and then invite them to be part of their email marketing list. Note that LinkedIn lets you message fifty people at a time this way. Allowing you to build your mailer customer base. Also, make sure to include a direct link for the email signup in the mailer. Finally, it is important to assert reciprocity in each mailer. Where the company informs the customer of the benefits gained by signing up for the email list and offers to look at their business profile too. Creating a mutually beneficial way to earn goodwill.
“An entrepreneur with a strong network makes money even when he is asleep.”
― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words
3. Invest in sponsered updates
4. Stay active by joining groups
The easiest way to stay in tune with what your audience’s current tastes are is to join LinkedIn groups that are relevant to your target demographic. Not only is this a great way to ‘listen in’ on what your audience is talking about, but it gives the top executives of a company a chance to make their expertise known to a large number of people by offering tips and advice on the aforesaid LinkedIn groups. Also, you can personally connect with the members of such groups by messaging them, even if they are not part of your network circle. Making it an easy way to build fruitful relationships with potential clients.
“Active participation on LinkedIn is the best way to say, ‘Look at me!’ without saying ‘Look at me!”
― Bobby Darnell